First Swiss Design Network Symposium
13-14. May 2004
The first design research symposium at the Basel School of Art and Design marks a milestone on what is still a long road in the young history of Swiss universities of art and design: from practice to discipline! One or even design research does not exist. With the state recognition of the Swiss Design Network as a national competence network of the universities of applied sciences in May 2004, the opportunity has opened up for the first time to work systematically and with the financial support of the Swiss Confederation on building up a design research community. Its purpose must first and foremost be to sharpen the concepts of its own discipline, to position itself vis-à-vis other disciplines and to produce relevant innovations through research.
Contributions of 1. ConferenceProgramm – Ralf Michel, Director of Swiss Design Network
Design forscht
Prof. Beat Schneider, Hochschule der Künste Bern
Von der Praxisorientierung zur Erkenntnisorientierung oder: Die Dialektik von Entwerfen und Entwurfsforschung
Prof. Gui Bonsiepe, Florianopolis (Brasilien)
Forschung durch Design
Prof. Wolfgang Jonas, Hochschule für Künste, Bremen
Hans Kaspar Hugentobler, Hochschule für Künste, Bremen
Die projektgeleitete Forschung: Eine Methode der Designforschung
Prof. Alain Findeli, Universität Montreal
Designforschung und Forschungsdesign
Prof. Alois M. Müller, Hochschule für Gestaltung
Podiumsdiskussion mit den Vortragenden
Ralf Michel, Director Swiss Design Network