Related articles to «zhdk»


SDN Grant 2024: Applications are open!

We're Accepting SDN Grant Applications!


SDN Publishing Grant 2024: Applications Now Open!

The SDN Publishing Grant 2024 is currently accepting submissions until February 29 2024.


REFRESH-Festival at the ZHdK

The critical topics of this year's edition are «Immersive Journalism», «Design Realities», «Future Technologies», «Worldbuilding», and «New Ecologies».


PhD Position in Design // Interfacing the Ocean

Open paid PhD position at the Zurich University of the Arts. 


Counterparts: Exploring Design Beyond the Human

Swiss Design Network Research Summit
27 & 28 October 2022

Zurich University of the Arts


Job Opportunity at the ZHDK

Open position for doctoral candidate for the new SNF-Project «Designgeschichte der SBB»


Deadline Extension:Counterparts: Exploring Design Beyond the Human

The deadline for abstract submissions for our Conference “Counterparts: Exploring Design Beyond the Human” has been extended to 19 April 2022. We’re looking forward to receiving your proposals.


The Visual and Audiovisual Turn in the Age of Screen Media

Does data-driven man machine relationship with screen media lead to a dominance of visual and audiovisual media content?


Open Call: Counterparts: Exploring Design Beyond the Human

Submissions for the Swiss Design Network Winter Research Summit are now open. Have a look at this year's conference topic.


Job Opportunities at the zhdk

Two open positions at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste.


Exploratory Polylogues

New complex challenges and ideological shifts are shaking the very foundations of our society. Despite living in a highly informed and hyperconnected world, alienation and polarisation are evident in society. Digital media and communication tools are mostly perceived as progressive but they contribute to communication becoming increasingly abstract.


Research Landscapes

Forschungslandschaften im Umfeld des Designs / La recherche en relation avec l'environnement du design