Open Call: Workshop Grant Swiss Design Network
The Swiss Design Network sees one of its roles as a supporting body for promising design researchers not only in connecting them but also in financially supporting them to publish their research or efforts through workshops and other public formats
Open Call for Swiss Design Network Workshop Grant
The Swiss Design Network is the Swiss competence network of design research, established in 2003. Parallel to SARN and SAEN, it connects design researchers from the Swiss Universities of Design and Art. Since its founding, the Swiss Design Network has been promoting and fostering the development, quality and constant improvement of design research in the Swiss Art and Design Universities. The SDN offers its direct support to research projects, participating in the research debate on a national and international level.
Grant Description
The Swiss Design Network sees one of its roles as a supporting body for promising design researchers not only in connecting them but also in financially supporting them to publish their research or efforts through workshops and other forms of making their research public.
Every year we grant two early-career design researchers or research groups from Swiss Art and Design Universities CHF 2000 each to realise a workshop, an event or another similar public activity. The total sum awarded is CHF 4000 per year.
Early-career design researchers from all the universities participating in the SDN network are eligible to participate. This competitive funding is awarded regardless of university location or language criteria, but is based solely on the quality of the contributions.
The anonymized applications will be evaluated by the Swiss Design Network Board and the granted applicants will be notified within a reasonable time after the evaluation.
Workshop Grant: Guidelines
This description will serve as a basis for the project assessment based on the Grant selection criteria:
- Originality/novelty of the idea
- Potential for significant broader / sustainable impact
The Project description must consist of a max. two-page A4 document of original text written by the applicant themselves and it must be written in English. Sources must be cited correctly. The SDN board reserves its right to reject any application that don’t fulfil the selection criteria
The project description must be anonymized. The evaluators shouldn’t be able to identify the applicant’s identity or affiliation.
- Title of project
- Short abstract of research (max. 200 words)
- A comprehensive concept of the intervention (max 400 words)
- Aim of intervention (max. 100 words)
- Proposal of how to publish the findings of intervention (200 words)
- Comprehensive budget assessment for the intervention
- Bibliography is applicable
Requirements for application:
- Affiliated or matriculated at a Swiss Art and Design University in our network
- Event must be public or have a public dimension
Requirements after a successful application:
- Summary of intervention to be published on SDN website
- Pictures or visual results of the intervention (if available)
- Possible follow up with coordinator
Send in application as PDF:
This must include two sections:
1. Anonymised project description and
2. Data page with:
- Name of project
- Name and affiliation of researcher
- Contact information
- Short bio (max 200 words)
To the following email:
For general inquiries please contact: Mayar El Hayawan – Swiss Design Network Coordinator